Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Morgan Phyllis sat down at her computer and pulled up the large document containing her fantasy novel. She placed her fingers on the keyboard, re-read what she had last written and stared. She stayed in that position for a few moments, waiting for inspiration. It was one of those horrible moments when she knew exactly what she wanted to happen, for the next few pages even, and…just…couldn’t…write it out!

With a heavy sigh, Morgan re-read once again the glaring black words on her screen.

“Skybird had offered to come with Xelia to the Conference Building but Xelia had politely declined. The journey would give her time to think…though, as she traveled eastward on her horse, Star, she wasn’t quite sure if that’s what she wanted anymore,” she read aloud. “Okay, Morgan, here’s what we do. We get rid of that. Skybird does come with her and we expand the journey by a lot. Get to know Xelia better before we jump into the plot so quickly. Yeah.”

With that decided, Morgan highlighted the paragraph and opened a new document.

“Right. Expand it.”

Gearing herself up, Morgan placed her fingers on the keyboard again and began to type.

“Morgan Phyllis sat down at her computer and pulled up the large document containing her fantasy novel….”

This was incredibly fun to write. This was my situation at the time I wrote this. I wanted to write, I needed to write, but I couldn't focus/think/I had a really bad case of that really horrible curse called writer's block.

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