Gerald's got a girl with him. Barely taller than him (but that's no surprise, he's rather short), skinny, perfect ballerina body (twig with muscle and small boobs), brunette hair pulled back in a tight ballerina bun. Everything ABOUT her screams ballerina. She might've even been wearing tights and a leotard. She's perfect. Dainty smile that doesn't show any white teeth, dainty blush. Doesn't wear make-up, her face is already perfect. Pretty sure she had soft blue eyes that screamed sweet, dainty soprano. Definitely going to end up as the ultimate, perfect housewife. Never caught her name. Probably something just as perfect and delicate. Something like Michelle, Emily or Megan.
The two of them are all flirty. And not teenage flirty. Not even new couple flirty. More like established relationship flirty. Begs the sort of reaction I have when I see an elderly couple holding hands in the grocery store. Except it's not sweet. It's aggravating.
I KNOW for a FACT Gerald's single. So WHAT is this? Everyone I talk to agree with me: he's SO single and always has been. Who IS this chickie?
Word finally comes around. Could be just a rumor, but.... Word is, Miss Perfectly Feminine Ballerina and Gerald have been going steady for YEARS now, they just haven't seen the need to broadcast it. Right, so what was with how he was acting two months ago?
Oh, but there's more. These two HAVE to have been dating for quite a few years because they've got KIDS. TWO. A boy and a girl. The boy's the oldest, girl's a couple years younger.
Right. Still could just be a rumor.
Are they MARRIED?
No, just dating.
But with two kids.
It's just a rumor. Heard it through the grapevine. It's like that game... "telephone," right?
But then I see him again. Him and Miss Trophy Not-Technically-My-Wife.
And two kids.
The boy has longer hair, black, thick and a bit of a wave in it. His eyes are gray and have a sparkle of mischief. There's a smile on his lips that looks like it's always been there and always will be. This is Gerald's oldest. His son.
The girl has shoulder length hair, dark brunette, very thick and very wavy. Her eyes are a bit bluer and her personality isn't quite sketched out yet. More time has definitely been spent on the son than the daughter.
...William and Rose? Are you KIDDING me? It's Liam and Nora! Just LOOK at them!! Those are MY kids!! MY kids!! MINE!! Not some perfect housewife ballerina!!!
I should storm up to them and demand they hand over my kids! How in the world did they get their hands on them? Okay, true, I've never been pregnant, I've never even done anything to get pregnant, but those are MY KIDS!!!!!!! I KNOW my kids when I see them! William Scott. Nora Clove. My kids. My kids. My kids. That perfect feminine ballerina with the perfect everything can't have MY kids!
But it's too late. There's nothing I can do about it. They'd be able to get DNA and all sorts of science to back them up. Me? I'd be labeled mentally unstable and thrown in a loony bin. Where I belong. Me, the opposite of Miss Perfect over there. I'm taller. I've got more meat on me. Larger breasts. More wild hair. Greyer eyes. Besides the fact I look different, I just AM different. I'm much more masculine. Never was able to have the right balance and coordination for much dancing. I'm aggressive. I'm harsh. Her? Ha. Not in a million years.
But they're my kids...
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